Electronics Repairs BUSINESS FOR SALE
(includes large amount of parts, test equipment, etc..........AND; a complete and extensive sets of master car/truck/motorcycle tools of all kinds).


For the homepage, see:  https://fleischerelectronicsservice.com



WHY selling?

Very few folks now do real repair work on electronics, and fewer work on older audio equipment.....and I have specialized in these areas, although I do work on modern electronics items including digital items (I do restrict my work, I don't work on everything....no work on TV's, as an example, although I get a lot of phone calls about servicing TV's).  Because there are so few technicians who work on older mostly or all analog audio equipment, and there are a lot of people needing such work, I have been VERY busy.   I started using a WaitList due to lack of shelf storage space for incoming and completed repairs. The WaitList worked out well for several reasons.  I've been able to reduce my hours per day, yet maintain a decent income from the repair business....BUT....I'm nearly 87 y.o., and, considering my health status (recurrence of prostate cancer and a wonky heart, have a pacemaker, etc.), it's long past time that I should have sold and retired.  I'm probably not going to be around for more than a very few more years.  

After I moved from South Lake Tahoe (where this business was located 1972 to 2019) to Carson City in late 2019, I expected to be close to retiring....I never expected my new garage-shop, that replaced my Tahoe shop, would be this busy. I had expected to just do a few repair jobs every month, which would pay the utilities, and keep me out of my wife's hair...so-to-speak. 

I've never caught up on my backlog (WaitList).   I can't work full 8 hour days anymore either, which does not help with the backlog.

I would like to sell this business... the extensive parts, tools, test equipment, repair literature, ...etc....all preferably as one lot.  I can make you a deal for the electronics business assets that could include a VERY complete set of master mechanic's tools, rollaway cabinets, ETC. for working on cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc, since I had a custom repairs business for many years, at the same time I had my electronics repairs business.  I was well known for my work on BMW motorcycles.   BTW...My tools are in both Metric AND SAE/American.

If you are knowledgeable and experienced, and want to work part time or full time, this electronics business may be for you.   You could even work as a car mechanic. But, although a large amount of car work tools are included, this business for sale description page is for the Electronics business.

So; let's talk about the electronics repair business:

 You could doing it out of your garage, full or part time; or, move to a store-front location.   You could also run it as a "hobby", for which Carson City has a special, cheap, license.  Once established (and, remember, you will likely get all my old customers, etc), and depending on what and how much you want to work, you may, soon enough, have to consider having another technician besides yourself, because there is a LOT of work available in the greater Reno-Tahoe-Carson area.  I've had to turn down a lot of business; mainly because I do not want to work full time due to my health; and, for secondary reasons, such as stopping home service calls & working on consoles.  If you added TV service, you'd likely be TOO busy.   There is no one in my local area doing audio; and, I think, only one or two places doing TV repairs....up to quite a distance from Carson City, NV. and only one place possibly still working on stereo equipment and that is in Reno, and he is about 80 and wants to retire. I've been sending him business!

Having a business in your own garage has plusses, such as being able to work whatever hours/days/times when you want to, no commuting; and, of course, not having to pay rent, utilities, etc. for a store-front location.    I have done it successfully, and profitably, for many dozens of years.

To purchase my business, you will need $10K-18K, depending on what you take, and how much of my help in establishing and running your new business.  Best is to sell to a serious wannabe technician, or tech retiree, or someone with the interest, and some decent background.   I may end up having to contact electronics or other schools, etc., to find someone with serious get-up-and-go-itis.     YOU CAN make a living at doing this, if you want to work at least 20 hours a week....you can do more, or less, ....it's up to you.

Contact me if you are interested in purchasing the business ....assets: test equipment, service literature, parts, customer files, really everything. Some training, if you need it or want it, will be included.  Contact me if you know of someone who may be interested.  If I sell to that person, there will be a decent finder's fee.

What could be included?

Basically everything...VERY large quantity of parts, all the test equipment, all the office equipment, VERY extensive repair tools, machinery; all my service files....a filing cabinet of service manuals, diagrams/schematics, etc....etc.  I will sign a non-competition agreement if you'd want that.  If my health is still reasonable, I will be happy to work WITH YOU AS YOU LEARN THE BUSINESS. Of course, I'd expect YOU to make changes to YOUR business!
Note that I can include, as previously noted, a VERY extensive set of tools in both SAE and Metric, rollaways, etc.  There are a lot of tools, including those I used to work on my motorcycles (when I had some)... and cars;...and, lots of electronics test gear items ...that I don't have in the photos.   


I moved this business into my Carson City garage when, in late 2019, I moved from So. Lake Tahoe to Carson City, Nevada.  I'd been doing electronic repairs at S. Lake Tahoe since 1972, mostly from my garage; although earlier I had a street storefront in a rented building.  Since the move to Carson City, and accelerating even during the major shut-downs of the Country due to Covid, I have been up to my ears in work.  I'm just too darn old and in failing health to want to work full days anymore and I have more work available than I can handle.  Presently I am working 7 days a week, but I have greatly cut my daily hours. I can get a lot done and billed, in a limited amount of time, due to my experience.

My shop has a fantastic reputation, does not do ..nor need...to do any paid advertising....and, I am QUITE often given substantial "tips" when the customer is paying their bill.  It is really ego-boosting to get those tips; many times it is because of my attitude of helpfulness, discussion about the truths of repairs and usage, and general socializing, from the standpoint of a small businessman who is really interested in his customers.

My backlog time is on the HomePage, and updated quite often. 

I have a rather massive amount of electronics parts, test equipment, etc., which customers appreciate, due to my fast repairs (once I get to their jobs!).  One of the nice things is that I seldom have to purchase parts, and almost never have to purchase any any more pricey test equipment, nor jigs, fixtures, etc.

I am VERY well-established on the Internet, usually search engines like Google, Bing and DuckDuck, and 'sources' like Yelp, show my shop as #1; and that is for a very large area, not just locally; plus, there is word-of-mouth, which is well-established. Arranging for "Smart Speakers" to 'find me' probably should be added but I've got way more business than I need.  I have NOT used paid advertising in a very long time, maybe around 40 years.  I have a top-notch reputation for workmanship, solid warranty, and TRULY friendly old-fashioned service.  BTW: I receive numerous telephone calls every week for TV repair (even though my website and my Google and Yelp listings specifically say I don't work on TV's....all of which I turn down.  TV repair is something you could do, if you wanted-to; I did, initially, when I moved to Lake Tahoe a lifetime ago.    I'm not sure why good TV repair service is so difficult to find in my area.   Actually, the same could certainly be said, moreso, for audio work....especially analog work on older items...but, includes modern items too.

I can possibly help you get set-up, if you so desire, as a warranty station for a number of audio brands.  Since I moved from Lake Tahoe to Carson City, I knew I needed to find ways of 'slowing-down', so I stopped doing manufacturer warranty work; I kept some accounts though, and still COULD do certain famous brands warranty work, and actually do a small amount, but I don't push that I do that type of work; primarily I keep such accounts for access to factory parts, although they are seldom needed due to my huge inventory.  You could expand into warranty work.

You can work as little, or as much, as you desire....and, ...you can set your own work hours/days/pricing schedule, even pricing well-above my present rates. See my pricing page.  Higher prices WILL be accepted by the public, as they are used to paying high prices in Sacramento, San Francisco, ETC.    This business can be run out of a mildly-converted garage next to your home, and you can eliminate the cost of renting a building.  You can take time to ski, hike, fish, golf, whatever.  I did those sorts of things for decades!    

I suggest that if you are at all interested, that you do not wait too long, for many reasons, not the least because once I enter the 'near shutdown phase', customers ...MANY of whom are multiple repeat customers for their own hifi systems; ...and ....customers who frequent garage sales and want me to fix those purchases, ...or purchase things on Ebay and want me to do diagnostics, and repairs ...are going to have to go out-of-town, and that could mean a considerable distance, which is usually very inconvenient for them.  The same could be said about all the many musicians I do electronics repairs for.

Think it over!   $10K to 18K is not all that much, easy to earn that much.  I'm sure you know that if this business was located in a brick & mortar location open to walk-in customers, and you were working full time (with or without another technician, etc.), a business would be worth about 4 times gross.  I probably should have sold the business when I was working full time at it, in a rented building, as it would have sold for about $300K.

What you can expect as a bottom line depends on a lot of factors, and would add pages to this already long page.   I suggest that you not wait too long.  If I die, my wife will likely put everything in a dumpster.


Robert (aka Bob, aka Snowbum) Fleischer
(775) 461-3530 (NO texting, please)


Last update:   Saturday, July 27, 2024